Nail Release

4.2 ( 6682 ratings )
Розробник: Vincent Khong

You need to review your daily, weekly, monthly or yearly income to calculate taxes ?
This app will help you to calculate the total sum of every service, tip, and you can review such data at any time
[How to use]
- Select the applied currency, language by “Settings” function => "Account Information +"
- Input/Edit your shop information: Shop name, address, etc.
- Input/Edit service group
- Input/ Edit service information: service name, price, select service group
- After finishing, select provided services, then press =>“Save”, Any times, you can select tip money in services
- You can review by pressing => “Total +” (from date, to date)
- Making appointment with customer
- You can select the language => "Settings, Acount Information +"
- You can also change the currency => "Settings, Acount Information +"
- And many other interesting functions!